
About “Hrinkar Opticals”

HRINKAR OPTICALS is one of the best optical showroom in Bangalore. We offer a wide range optical include national or international brands. We also provides all necessary facilities. To know about more service range, 3d red/ cyan paper glass and green/magenta paper glass for 3D photography and 3d movies.3d Glasses used for 3d movies, viewing 3D Print, magazines, comic books, Anaglyph photos on the internet and publications. Also great for 3D TV, movies and games.

The following 3d films are viewable with our 3d glasses:

  1. Journey 3d
  2. Haunted Castle 3d
  3. Buffy 3d Musical
  4. Shark Boy Lava Girl
  5. Jaws
  6. My Bloody Valentine
  7. Journey to the earth
  8. Coraline 3d
  9. Final Destination

Posted projects

  • Project costCost ₹15,000.00

Hi, We at Hrinkar Opticals are seeking out male and female influencers to promote the opticals brand shop that is located in Bangalore. We are…

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